Star News Mugshots (2025)

1. New StarNews Web site shows mugshots and names of recently ...

  • 25 jan 2010 · The site shows a row of mugshots of people who were most recently booked in the New Hanover County jail. You can click on a photo to find ...

  • Who's been arrested in New Hanover County?

2. BustedNewspaper New Hanover County NC - Facebook

  • New Hanover County, NC Mugshots, Arrests, charges, current and former inmates. Searchable records fr

  • ראה/ראי פוסטים, תמונות ועוד בפייסבוק.

3. Mug shots - Wilmington Star-News

4. Mugshots - Deltaplex News

  • Mugshots · Roderick Robinson · Marlon C Clark · Martavius Jackson · Torrall Stocker · Robert Brown · Startytyona Bennett · Raynard Washington · Charles Phillips.

  • Mugshots - Deltaplex News

5. StarNews Online Mugshots » New Hanover County -


  • Viewing all 552 articles

6. The 50 Best Celebrity, Hot Mugshots (of all time) - Chudnovsky Law

  • We have carefully researched the best celebrity mug shots ever published – including public mugshots, actors and rarely seen gems.

  • The Definitive Collection of the best and funniest celebrity mugshots, hot female felons and famous historical criminal mug shots of all time.

7. Celebrity Mugshots - Us Weekly

  • 24 aug 2023 · Celebrity Mugshots 100 Getty Images (4) See which stars have been behind bars, ranging from Justin Bieber to Reese Witherspoon.

  • See which stars have been behind bars, ranging from Justin Bieber to Reese Witherspoon

8. Murrieta agrees to stop adding Lego heads to suspects' mugshots

  • 26 mrt 2024 · Get the latest news delivered daily! Sign Up · Pasadena Star News. Crime and Public Safety | ... The prior law prohibited posting mugshots of all ...

  • Across the U.S., law enforcement agencies have often posted galleries of photos for “Mugshot Mondays” and “Wanted Wednesdays” to social media.

Star News Mugshots (2025)


Why are mugshots taken? ›

The primary purpose of the mug shot is to allow law enforcement to have a photographic record of an arrested individual to allow for identification by victims, the public and investigators.

How do you take good mugshots? ›

It is important for the purpose of facial recognition that the person being photographed is looking directly at the camera with their full face and ears exposed and without any facial expression. Tilting or rotating of the head can cause inaccurate facial measurements that may result in recognition problems.

Why do people look different in mugshots? ›

Using Shadows and Lighting – Lighting and shadows can dramatically alter how a mugshot is perceived. Harsh lighting from above can create deep shadows around the eyes and under the nose, giving the subject a more sinister appearance.

Did Google remove mugshots? ›

Google's removal policies can be very strict and they will likely not remove your mugshot unless you violate specific guidelines. Keep in mind that this request for removal is only applicable to Google search results. If the mugshot is still available on the original website, it will remain online.

Are mugshots ever deleted? ›

Unfortunately, mugshots can stay online indefinitely if steps are not taken to remove them. Even getting your records sealed or expunged, which is supposed to mean your case is confidential and a company should remove any trace of your arrest, does not necessarily delete a mugshot online.

Why do mugshots have towels? ›

Why do police put a white towel on a person to hide their neck in their mugshot? - Quora. Something like that is a matter of agency policy and protocol. Normally, it isn't used to “hide” somebody's neck, but rather to cover street clothes they might be wearing at the time.

What app shows local mugshots? ›

JailBase app lets users search for mugshots, arrest records using facial recognition.

Do people wear glasses in mugshots? ›

Your primary photo should be without glasses.

Why do some people smile when they get in trouble? ›

People facing criminal accusations have different reasons for smiling for their mugshot. Be it scorn at their arrest, sheer nervousness, maybe even pride. Some, like Strobel, may not even be able to remember why they did it.

What camera is used for mugshots? ›

to quickly take photos for mug shots and other purposes. The accuracy and quality of these photos is extremely important for investigation and administrative purposes, and the VALCam Pro delivers greatly in those two regards.

Why do police publish mugshots? ›

Mugshots are added to records and databases that are kept and may be used to identify people in the future if they commit further offences. Police allow victims to look at mug shots to try and identify the person who assaulted them or committed another crime they witnessed such as...

How do I remove mugshots from my Internet Georgia? ›

If you have an arrest that is eligible to be restricted and/or has been restricted, and you would like to request removal of mugshot and arrest information, you must send a written request with your name, date of birth, arrest date, and name of the arresting agency.

Why do some people not get mugshots? ›

A new state law took effect January 1 prohibiting agencies from posting most mugshots on social media. EL DORADO COUNTY, Calif. — Love it or hate it, social media has become an important part of all our lives and it's no different for law enforcement agencies.

Are mugshots public record in the USA? ›

Mugshot photos and arrest information are public record, no matter whether the information is accurate or not. Once someone has been booked and had their mugshot taken, the arrest information becomes part of the public domain.

Are Florida mug shots public? ›

Since they must go through the entire judicial process before being found guilty, this record does not prove anything. The Florida Sunshine Law makes mugshots public documents.

Did California ban mugshots? ›

As of Jan. 1, 2024, a California law banned agencies from posting mug shots on social media.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.